Bob speaks for corporations and organizations internationally, including fortune 500 companies, franchises, and numerous direct sales organizations. He is coauthor of the International Bestseller, The Go-Giver, as well as Go-Givers Sell More, The Go-Giver Leader, The Go-Giver Influencer, and author of the sales classic, Endless Referrals and Adversaries into Allies. The Go-Giver has sold well over one million copies and been published in more than 30 languages. Join Bob in The Go-Giver Success Alliance Online Mentorship Community by visiting

The Ego. Good? Bad? Both? Neither?

After several articles dealing with issues such as emotions and ego, and where ego was seen as the cause for many of life’s negative results or situations, we ended with the question: Is the human ego, in and of itself, a bad thing? Well, we didn’t exactly end it that way, since I answered, “not at…

Pleasure, Pain and Ego, Part Two

In Part One we saw there are two main emotions which drive our decisions; the desire for pleasure, and the avoidance of pain. We ended by seeing that – depending upon the particular pleasure being sought or pain being avoided – the human ego can begin to play a rather large part. Have you ever…

Pleasure, Pain and Ego, Part One

In a previous post we looked at the role our emotions play in making most decisions of significance. As human beings, we are a strange creature – making very important decisions based on what we want at the moment rather than what we know is really best for us. Yes, before we rationalize (tell ourselves…