Bob speaks for corporations and organizations internationally, including fortune 500 companies, franchises, and numerous direct sales organizations. He is coauthor of the International Bestseller, The Go-Giver, as well as Go-Givers Sell More, The Go-Giver Leader, The Go-Giver Influencer, and author of the sales classic, Endless Referrals and Adversaries into Allies. The Go-Giver has sold well over one million copies and been published in more than 30 languages. Join Bob in The Go-Giver Success Alliance Online Mentorship Community by visiting

Talk 25% – Listen 75%

Most of us in sales have heard it said that “when you’re tellin’, you ain’t sellin’.” Very true. The key is to listen to the other person. That way you can learn about their wants, needs and desires. When teaching people how to prospect via telephone, I explain that there are actually two reasons to encourage the…

Taking Responsibility, Part Three

In Part Two, we saw that one aspect of taking responsibility for effective communication was the realization that most people – in not focusing on understanding what you or I meant to say – will simply interpret our words based on their own belief systems. And, that despite this, it’s still up to us to…

Taking Responsibility, Part Two

In Part One we saw that it’s important to take responsibility for things like making sure that the coffee you are pouring actually makes it into your cup as opposed to on your hand. And, we began to look at how the same holds true with conversation. I’m thinking back to an online chatroom discussion…

Taking Responsibility, Part One

Early one morning, with no time for a Dunkin’ Donuts run, I made the two-minute drive to the Circle K, a local convenience store, and poured myself a cup of hot coffee. All of a sudden, I felt a sizzling, burning feeling. The good news was that “my cup runneth over.” The bad new was that it…

Persistent or Stubborn?

A reader asks, “Bob, what is the difference between one who is persistent and one who is stubborn?”  I’d say that persistent means you keep on trying as long as you feel there is legitimately a positive result that can be obtained.  Stubborn would mean that you keep trying even when you know there is…

Tainted Motives

In his book, The Speed of Trust, author Stephen M.R. Covey quotes Mahatma Gandhi as saying, “The moment there is suspicion about a person’s motives, everything he does becomes tainted.” While reading that quote during a recent presentation, I thought about a person who, about a year ago, sent me an email asking if they could…