Bob speaks for corporations and organizations internationally, including fortune 500 companies, franchises, and numerous direct sales organizations. He is coauthor of the International Bestseller, The Go-Giver, as well as Go-Givers Sell More, The Go-Giver Leader, The Go-Giver Influencer, and author of the sales classic, Endless Referrals and Adversaries into Allies. The Go-Giver has sold well over one million copies and been published in more than 30 languages. Join Bob in The Go-Giver Success Alliance Online Mentorship Community by visiting

Missing The Communication Target?

I’ll never forget when an early business mentor told me, “Burg, when the shooter misses the target…it ain’t the target’s fault.” The older I get, and the more I study influence and communication, the more correct I believe he was. How often do we try and get our point across but fail? It seemed that…

Decide…Before You Decide

“You/I/We are all addicted…to comfort.” According to sales authority and author of Be Bold and Win the Sale: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone And Boost Your Performance, Jeff Shore, this tendency is the driving force behind every behavior that keeps us stuck in our own status quo. It’s the malady that keeps us from…

Reverse Scorpions

Many are familiar with the story about the scorpion who asked the frog if he could hitch a ride on his back in order to cross the lake. Assuring the skeptical frog that he wouldn’t sting him because “if I did, I would also drown” the frog relented and agreed. As you know, partway across…