The Product AND The Process…Both!

In yesterday’s post, we looked at a question posted by my friends, Chris Brogan and Joe Sorge on their show, Kitchen Table Talks” which asked, “Which is more important — the product or the process?” In examining the question, it was suggested that perhaps there was a third choice: that both are just as important.…

What, Who, And How

Years ago, while reading a very good book by Milo O. Frank entitled, How To Get Your Point Across In 30 Seconds or Less, I was reminded that – in the context of persuasion – there are three essentials for every form of spoken or written communication: “Know what you want, know who can give…

Self-Editing…A Beautiful Thing!

I recently tweeted and posted on Facebook one of my favorite thoughts: “Just because you think it doesn’t mean you have to say it. Self-editing before speaking can help avoid much regret.” It seemed as though practically everyone who commented could relate, not only to the statement itself, but that we’ve all fallen victim to…