Larger Than Your Present Place, Part 2

In Part One we discussed a productive mindset for advancing within the company for which you’re working; be “larger than your present place.” This means adding so much value “above and beyond” what’s expected that you simply no longer fit your position, are eventually noticed for such, and promoted. Of the many excellent responses to the…

Avoid Mixed Messages

In his excellent book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen Covey cites Habit Number Five as, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” Excellent advice. That one point will make everyone’s relationships much more, well…effective. Complementary to that habit, it’s equally important to be sure that, in communicating your point, you…

Business Courtesy – On Responding

A reader asked if I would post an article on, what he called, “business courtesy.” His premise is that, since we now have a huge number of communication media at our disposal, common courtesies such as returning phone calls, emails and other communiqués should be a no-brainer. Yet, he claims, we have – as a…

A Very Profitable Experiment for Ending Gossip

In their book, The One Minute Millionaire, Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen relate that Marshall Thurber, a partner in a very successful real estate company in San Francisco, CA told of a powerful experiment in his office. In fact, according to Thurber, “It immediately transformed my entire organization.” They took a saying, based on…