Find The “Yes-Man”

What does the term, “Yes-Man” (or, “Yes-Woman”) mean to you? Possibly, the person who is so insecure that he says “yes” to any person, thing or idea in order to be liked and accepted? Well, when it comes to Positive Persuasion, that kind of Yes-Person is not the kind we mean. Instead, we are talking…

The Answer? Based on What Info?

Just recently, I received a question from a reader on my Facebook page.  She wanted my advice regarding a hurtful situation that came up for her.  Immediately below is her question and then my response. If I may suggest; please form your own response before you read mine. Then, after you read mine, I want…

“What Can I Do To Help?”

“What can I do to help?” This question is the one often asked by professional educator, Joani Altshuler. When? When she walks into a meeting with a parent, after first being warned that “the parents are irate!” (Ms. Altshuler works in a very challenging school situation, which is not the topic of this article. In…

Aha! Moments

Well, this past weekend was certainly a special one. Paul Martinelli and I hosted The Big Event in West Palm Beach, FL, which brought together speakers including Carrie Wilkerson, Dr. John Maxwell, Randy Gage and Les Brown. Each speaker, including Paul, was magnificent and shared wisdom and information that led to many – what could…

A Patient By Any Other Name

I enjoy many of the posts my friend, Alice Flanders shares on her Facebook page. She often posts stories regarding incidents in her life. Many are funny; some are sad. There’s usually a lesson containing some very fine wisdom, although I’m not she sure always realizes it. She’s a much better teacher than she thinks…