Pleasure, Pain and Ego, Part Two

In Part One we saw there are two main emotions which drive our decisions; the desire for pleasure, and the avoidance of pain. We ended by seeing that – depending upon the particular pleasure being sought or pain being avoided – the human ego can begin to play a rather large part. Have you ever…

Pleasure, Pain and Ego, Part One

In a previous post we looked at the role our emotions play in making most decisions of significance. As human beings, we are a strange creature – making very important decisions based on what we want at the moment rather than what we know is really best for us. Yes, before we rationalize (tell ourselves…

That Thing About Thinking

A Facebook reader, in response to my article on The blog on misunderstanding false premises regarding being a Go-Giver asked: Don’t you just sometimes wonder if people are really thinking? Thank you for your question. Here’s what I believe happens:  As human beings, our minds are programmed from an early age (through a combination…

Could It Be You?

In some recent posts we’ve discuss various aspects of what I call “The Golden Rule of Networking”, which is, “All things being equal (or close enough to such), people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like and trust.” We also discussed that while this is absolutely key, there are…

All Things Being Equal…

Unlike its stereotype, Networking is not based on hitting up every new person you meet with some clever line about how great your product or service is while slapping a business card into their hand. I often define Networking as, “The cultivating of mutually beneficial, give and take, win/win relationships.” The focus is on the…

Word Power, Part Three

In Part One we discussed the idea that the meanings of words and phrases one hears are first translated and interpreted by their individual belief system, and then show up as feelings based on such.  In Part Two, we looked at this through the perspective of sales. In a discussion on my Facebook page regarding…