Intuition…Or Not?

My friend, prosperity expert, Randy Gage emailed me to ask if I believed in “Intuition” or did I think that believing in such was irrational? Because intuition is a topic I’ve never actually studied in detail, I hesitated to respond too quickly or reflexively without giving it at least enough thought to respond intelligently (or,…

Larger Than Your Present Place, Part 2

In Part One we discussed a productive mindset for advancing within the company for which you’re working; be “larger than your present place.” This means adding so much value “above and beyond” what’s expected that you simply no longer fit your position, are eventually noticed for such, and promoted. Of the many excellent responses to the…

Business Courtesy – On Responding

A reader asked if I would post an article on, what he called, “business courtesy.” His premise is that, since we now have a huge number of communication media at our disposal, common courtesies such as returning phone calls, emails and other communiqués should be a no-brainer. Yet, he claims, we have – as a…

Compassionate Nursing…And More

Last night’s bout of “writer’s block” turned into a fortunate gift for all as, during a “stop focusing on having writer’s block” break, I came across the most recent blog post of my excellent and gifted Go-Giver coauthor, John David Mann. While having dinner with his Mother-in-Law, Sylvia, he was treated to a story about her…