Handling Those “Unfair Things”

Life can seem — and even be — so unfair at times. “But it wasn’t my fault” or “This or that happened, and I had no control” are words we often hear from others. Perhaps, from time-to-time, even from ourselves. Sometimes, these “out of my control” incidents actually could have been avoided had we taken…

I Was Mortified

Mortified: Humiliated or shamed. That’s what I was last Friday afternoon, and it was my own fault. It began that morning during my visit to an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist I was referred to by my physician. I’ve been having some challenges with laryngitis (that’s not good for a speaker to have, right?) 😉…

An Additional Thought On Empathy

The last two posts, dealing with the value difference of empathy and the importance of effectively communicating it, reminded me of one of the many, many wise teachings of Zig Ziglar. It dealt with the difference between empathy and – what I call – it’s close cousin, sympathy. The lesson was included on one of…