Bob Burg

Set the Proper Frame

What if there was one thing you could do in the influence and persuasion process that was SO powerful that doing so correctly actually put you about 80-90 percent of the way toward accomplishing your goal while also helping the other person to come out ahead? Well…there is. And in Influence & Success Insights Video #13, titled, “Set The Proper Frame” you’ll learn exactly why this is so.

Bob Burg

Understanding THEIR Belief System

Last video we saw that in the process of influence and persuasion it’s very important to understand what and how the other person thinks. We also explored why our own personal belief systems can make accomplishing that very difficult. On the other hand, as we discover in Influence & Success Insights Video #12, titled, “Understanding THEIR Belief System” it is something you can do, IF you’ll take action on two important ideas.