Bob Burg

The Essence of Influence

These days the word, “Influence” is used so often it has taken on different meanings to different people. That’s fine. However, in order to ensure we’re facing the same direction let’s define it a specific way. In Influence & Insights Video #3, we’ll look first at the general definition, and then take it a big step deeper, exploring, “The ‘Essence’ of Influence” which is what the most successful influencers tap into.

Bob Burg

The Importance of Mastering People Skills

You can have practically all the positive attributes of an ultra-successful person including talent, high character, ambition, kindness, creativity and much more. But, as we discover in Influence & Insights Video #2, titled, “The Importance of Mastering People Skills” unless you can influence others, your chances of attaining that stratospheric type of success is somewhat limited.


I was at a new diagnostic center for some blood work and witnessed an interesting exchange. Unfortunately, an exchange all too common. On the other hand, these things can be easily handled — and even turned into a huge positive — if company leadership is aware of it. And, not just aware but willing to…