I was at a new diagnostic center for some blood work and witnessed an interesting exchange. Unfortunately, an exchange all too common. On the other hand, these things can be easily handled — and even turned into a huge positive — if company leadership is aware of it. And, not just aware but willing to…

Dealing With An Interrupter

Have you ever been in a discussion with someone in which they constantly interrupted you? Frustrating, isn’t it? You wish to make a point, but they are so passionate about their view, they interrupt you the very moment they hear a word or phrase with which they disagree. This, of course, is contrary to one…

You Get A Cookie!

Standing in line at an already-busy Subway sandwich shop, someone surprisingly called in to order a humongous party platter and the team was caught shorthanded… shorthanded big-time! Customers were in line, waiting and waiting. And, the potential for a negative Subway experience was certainly present. However, the owner, Trudy Harvey, took control, and what she…