Find The “Yes-Man”

What does the term, “Yes-Man” (or, “Yes-Woman”) mean to you? Possibly, the person who is so insecure that he says “yes” to any person, thing or idea in order to be liked and accepted? Well, when it comes to Positive Persuasion, that kind of Yes-Person is not the kind we mean. Instead, we are talking…

The Answer? Based on What Info?

Just recently, I received a question from a reader on my Facebook page.  She wanted my advice regarding a hurtful situation that came up for her.  Immediately below is her question and then my response. If I may suggest; please form your own response before you read mine. Then, after you read mine, I want…

“What Can I Do To Help?”

“What can I do to help?” This question is the one often asked by professional educator, Joani Altshuler. When? When she walks into a meeting with a parent, after first being warned that “the parents are irate!” (Ms. Altshuler works in a very challenging school situation, which is not the topic of this article. In…

But, How Does One Agree Without Capitulating?

In our previous post we saw that when desiring to persuade, telling someone they are wrong will most likely not only not change their mind, it will much more than likely elicit their planting their feet firmly “in-turf” and defending their position. The suggestion was to, instead, agree with them. Counter-intuitive? Yes. Effective? Most definitely.…

The Principle of Agreement

Dale Carnegie, author of the classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People, eloquently taught that there is no winning an argument. It makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, if you lose on merit, you’ve lost. However, even if you win on merit (showing the other person that you are right and they are wrong),…

Perceptual Realities

In his excellent book, Magical Worlds of the Wizard of Ads: Tools and Techniques for Profitable Persuasion, Roy H. Williams relates the oft-told story of the six blind men of Indostan who experienced an elephant from different parts of its body and, naturally, from their individual viewpoints, came to six different conclusions regarding the essence…